
Episode 018

Elmo Winters, Host

Episode 18:  Spotlighting the Men’s UNITY Breakfast


This episode highlights the Men’s UNITY Breakfast as we paused to collect your thoughts on the approach used at the Breakfast and the effectiveness of the work of the KINGDOM Group.

Listen up,  we talked about dynamically impacting our divided world.  Men gathered for Breakfast in-person at The Red Stick Together, (an outreach facility of Broadmoor Church) and virtually by zoom.  Also joining those in-person were men from California, Texas, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Honduras. Six groups were formed to discuss the engaging topic at the meeting.  Thank you, Rodney, James, and Don for sharing the thoughts, suggestions, and comments from your groups.

We want to hear from you! Comment below, Email, Text, or Call . . . and we invite you to be our guest at the next Men’s UNITY Breakfast.  Follow the link to register for the Men’s UNITY Breakfast!


Elmo Winters

Meet the Host

Host, Reverend Elmo Winters, MBA, has served in ministry for over 43 years as a Church Planter, Senior Pastor, Bible School Teacher, Short-term Missionary, Hospice Chaplain, and Non-Profit Director. 
Possessing a powerful love and passion for ALL people, regardless of ethnicity, Reverend Winters has actively shared the reconciling Gospel of Christ throughout the world. He has planted churches and trained pastors in Russia, Kenya, Mexico, and the US.

Reverend Winters, through the teaching of God’s Word and his books, “Growing by Going” and “OVERCOMING RACIAL AND CULTURAL BARRIERS to Disciple Men” has impacted many lives. He boldly addresses racism, reconciliation, global unity, and other related issues.

He travels the world, training and speaking to churches, ministries, and men’s groups on unity and reconciliation issues.
Reverend Winters currently serves as the Executive Director of the KINGDOM Group International, Inc, the Baton Rouge, LA non-profit organization he started in 2014.

Reverend Winters is married to Therese Winters, the president of the KINGDOM Group International, Inc. They have three sons, two daughters, and nine grandchildren.

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Acknowledgments and Credits

The “Building the Bridge” Podcast is a production of The KINGDOM Group International, Inc., all rights reserved. KINGDOMGroup.co
Music by Artist: Jorge Quinter, Track Information Title: 300 Violin Orchestra Genre: Orchestral  YouTube of the artist: goo.gl/155iWH Music provided by Music Library: youtu.be/R4vNfzz8__s
Production by  MINE You Business Virtual Solutions MINEYoBiz.com

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