Episode 013
Elmo Winters, Host
Ted Fine, Guest
Episode 13: Spotlighting the Bridge Builder – Ted Fine
On this week’s Building the Bridge podcast we talk with Pastor Ted Fine, a passionate leader promoting unity in the East Feliciana Parish of our state. Ted continues to work with the KINGDOM Group on hosting Unity breakfasts in his area.

Bio Highlights of Pastor Ted Fine
- Married to the love of his life, Valerie, 15 years
- Father of 4 grown children
- Second career pastor who felt a call to ministry 11 years ago at age 48
- Have since earned an MDiv from Asbury Theological Seminary
- Began an 11 year of pastoral ministry.
- He loves Jesus, which means he loves all people and ascribes to Paul’s teaching that “There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.” (Col 3:23)
- This is what defines his passion for racial reconciliation and led me to join Pastor Elmo’s work with the Kingdom Group.
Contact him on social media:
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Acknowledgments and Credits
The “Building the Bridge” Podcast is a production of The KINGDOM Group International, Inc., all rights reserved. KINGDOMGroup.co
Music by Artist: Jorge Quinter, Track Information Title: 300 Violin Orchestra Genre: Orchestral YouTube of the artist: goo.gl/155iWH Music provided by Music Library: youtu.be/R4vNfzz8__s
Production by MINE You Business Virtual Solutions MINEYoBiz.com

Elmo Winters
Meet the Host
Host, Elmo Winters is the Elmo Winters is the Founder/Executive Director of the KINGDOM Group International, Inc., an organization dedicated to racial healing, unity, and reconciliation utilizing the life-changing Gospel of Christ. The KINGDOM Group hosts events to bring diverse groups together for dialogue and relationship building. Reverend Winters has been in ministry for over 42 years as a Church Planter, Pastor, Bible Institute Instructor, and Hospice Chaplain. Additionally, he has served as a short-term missionary to Kenya, Mexico, and Russia, where he trained pastors and ministry leaders. Working with EndPoint Ministries of Nairobi, Reverend Winters continues to assist with church/school planting in the southeastern region of Kenya. Having earned a Masters in Business Administration (MBA), he provides business consulting to non-profit organizations, ministries, and small businesses. Winters serves on the boards of Gulf South Men of Louisiana, the National Coalition of Ministries to Men (NCMM), the Louisiana Lagniappe Country Walk to Emmaus (LCWE), and the Mercy Education Foundation of Liberia, Africa.
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