Episode 008
Elmo Winters, Host
Steve Quen, Guest
Episode 8: Spotlighting the Bridge Builder – Steve Quen
On this week’s podcast, we interview a unique bridge builder from the west coast. Steve Quen is the senior pastor of Bay Area Chinese Bible Church of Alameda, CA. Pastor Quen, an Asian American brings a different perspective to the discussions of racial and cultural acceptance, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. Tune in and hear how the Asian community is being challenged to bridge the gap between themselves and other Americans.

Bio Highlights of Steve Quen
- In marital union with Ester – 41 years.
- Parent of 3 children and 2 grandchildren.
- Grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area.
- Came to faith in Christ, as a Senior in High School through the ministry of BACBC (Bay Area Chinese Bible Church). This is the only church he has known.
- Served as a lay leader in the church for 15 years.
- Worked Software Engineer after college.
- God called him into vocational ministry in 1988 and served on staff as an Assistant Pastor in 1988
- Now serves as Senior Pastor for 24 years.
- God has blessed Bay Area Chinese Bible Church with a multi-cultural multi-generational church (Cantonese, Mandarin, and English speaking) of 900, a Christian day school (K-8 of 300 students), and preschool (60 students).
- Has a BS in Electrical Engineer and Computer Science from UC Berkeley, M.Div. From Liberty Seminary, and D.Min. from Talbot School of Theology.
- Enjoys running (6 marathons, 6 half-marathons) and playing chess.
- Website: www.BACBC.org
- Follow us on social media @ Bay Area Chinese Bible Church – Alameda Campus
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Acknowledgments and Credits

Elmo Winters
Meet the Host
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